participation in Extension Mathematics classes in student study time Gifted and Talented students need differentiated educational programs and services beyond those normally provided by the regular school program in order to. university invitations to special programs, gifted and talented programs, subject specific clubs, etc. accessing various external programs as they arise, e.g.personalised extension projects to meet each student’s needs.special programs run by the ‘STRETCH’ Coordinator.invitation to participate in co-curricular programs, e.g.On this website you will find information for current and prospective. Working with students, administrators, teachers, parents, community members, local businesses, and colleges, FES assists schools to develop principles and. Gifted and Talented students need differentiated educational programs and services beyond those normally provided by the regular school program in order to realize their ability to contribute to self and society. participation in the ‘STRETCH’ Program using an online classroom – collaborating with peers and undertaking extension modules of work Welcome to Gifted/Talented Programs, Advanced Learning Options.in-class differentiation by the class teacher with assistance from Adaptive Education staff.Unique to Cornerstone College, the program is offered to selected students in Year 7/8 STRETCH and Year 9/10 STRETCH. Gifted and advanced learners taking these. STRETCH (STudents Requiring Extension Through CHallenge) is an innovative and exciting program that stimulates, extends, enriches and engages young people with high intellectual ability and potential. In middle school, honors math, English, science, and social studies classes are available to challenge all students. We wish to see all of our students become successful learners, confident and creative individuals and active and informed citizens. We offer a range of enrichment and extension learning opportunities to meet the needs of gifted and talented students.